App Manager wins Developer Hero Program

On Thursday 2nd June 2016, BlackBerry launched the Developer Hero Program to reward the developer community for building new BlackBerry 10 applications.

App Manager bannerApp Manager qualified for the program, having been a new application submitted for approval by the 28th July 2016 deadline.

On Friday 12th August 2016, the winners were announced and Rad Systems is very pleased to report that App Manager was selected from hundreds of submissions as one of the top four new BlackBerry 10 applications to win the Developer Hero Program.

It is an honour to have App Manager picked as one of the top new applications, and as a result, you’ll see it being featured by BlackBerry in the coming weeks and months.

App Manager will continue to be developed on and improved, with an update coming soon and a big new feature currently in the works.

BlackBerry App World
App Manager BlackBerry World QR Code